Where Comfort Ends, Transformation Begins

February Theme — Divine Discomfort. Week 2 — Where Comfort Ends, Transformation Begins.

Affirmation: Change is challenging, but I can do hard things!

Are you ready to unlock your full potential and experience profound personal and spiritual growth? It's time to step outside your comfort zone and embark on a transformative journey!

This week Rev. Rainbow spoke about the sphere of availability. It's this idea that we kind of have this invisible sphere or circle around us that is our container for what we believe we can be and achieve -- our consciousness of our belief system. It contains things that are comfortable to us.

When we push against our comfort zone, we begin to push what's comfortable to us, what's available to us now, based on our thoughts and beliefs, and it begins to expand. And as it or we expand, more becomes available to us.

“Belief in limitation is the one and only thing that causes limitation, because we thus impress limitation upon the creative principle; and in proportion as we lay that belief aside our boundaries will expand, and increasing life and more abundant blessing will be ours.” — Thomas Troward, The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science

“Fear brings limitation and lack in its wake and destroys the happiness and possibility of a greater degree of livingness to those who suffer from it.  Fear blocks the more complete givingness of the Spirit to Its highest form of manifestation on this planet, which is humankind.” — Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind Textbook, (page 325 ebook version)  (p. 404.2 print version)

AHA moments from members:

  • Your sphere of availability is expanded by giving more, rather than getting more. It expands by expression instead of possession.

  • Healing is so much more than identifying what is not true, we need grace for the process of learning and integrating new truth.

  • Belief in limitation is the root cause of one’s own limitations.

  • Notice when something energizes you. Notice when you’ve been holding back.

Watch this service on YouTube


Pain Pushes Until Vision Pulls


Lessons in Uncomfortability