Fired Up for Life

June theme — Holy Boldness Week 2 — Fired Up for Life

Affirmation:  I am fired up and ready to live life fully.

We can choose to live large or small. Our experience is a reflection of that choice. Today is an opportunity to make any necessary adjustments to achieve a different outcome in life.

Have you ever been on fire about something and NOTHING could convince you otherwise? Where did that fire come from? As you reflect on it now, can you feel the fire and passion welling back up? This week special guest Rev. Kris Alexander reminded us that our imagination and recall can bring it and the drive behind it back to us again.  Holy boldness is the fire in your soul that propels you to action. It ignites the flame within, keeps it stoked, and confirms that anything is possible in God. Holy boldness is the “fire in the belly” that is the necessary conviction for effective prayer.

“Someday we shall learn to lay our burdens on the altar of Love, that they may be consumed by the fire of faith in the Living Spirit.” ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind (p. 335)

“Love is the central flame of the universe, nay the very fire itself. The essence of Love, while elusive, pervades everything, fires the heart, stimulates the emotions, renews the soul and proclaims the Spirit.” ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind (p. 478)

“Our prayers should be filled with conviction, warmth, color, and imagination. The creative power responds to feeling more quickly than to mental attitude.” ~ Ernest Holmes, The Essential Ernest Holmes (p. 112)

FIRED UP action steps:

  • Faith — have the faith OF God.

  • Integrity — when your insides match the outside.

  • Responsibility — ability to respond.

  • Evolution — grow every single day.

  • Discovery — be willing to learn/

  • Unshakeable — is your foundation solid?

  • Purpose — Just be. Be yourself.

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