Unbounded and Unstoppable

June theme — Holy Boldness Week 3 — Unbounded and Unstoppable

Affirmation:  I am free from limitations and unstoppable in God.

If we believe in something so deeply and we decide to pursue it, we may feel a sense of freedom to accomplish it. This week Rev. Rainbow reminded us there are no limits or barriers that can stop us. When we feel like nothing is holding us back, and we are unbounded and unstoppable to express and manifest life’s creativity. When we feel this way in God, we feel irrepressible and unrestrained, liberated and lifted, and ready to take on anything with faith, strength, and trust in the unlimited potential of the Infinite that is within and all around us.

“When the soul knows freedom, the law will free the body, and the outer life will express health, happiness and success.” ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind (p. 485)

 “To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment.” ~ Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now (p. 128)

“Freedom is not the right to live as we please, but the right to find how we ought to live in order to fulfill our potential.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

The parable of the two wolves:

An elder is sharing with a young one this idea of the two wolves. So there's two wolves, one representing love, wisdom, kindness, compassion. And then the other wolf represents fear and greed and doubt and lack. And as this elder is speaking of these two wolves to this young child, the child asked, "Which one wins?" And the elder says, "The one you feed." So what this means to me is that we are always at choice. That in each moment we have the responsibility, the ability to respond to what is occurring.

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