From Pieces Into Peace
In this month’s topic, we will explore: What is Peace? How to cultivate Inner Peace, Peace with others, Peace in community, and Peace on Earth--and truly put the “Peaces” together in order to Rise Up and BE the Peace we see in the world.
Surrender Into Oneness
Join us this month as we explore the transformative power of "Surrendering into Oneness." Dive deep into the understanding that we are all interconnected, part of a greater whole guided by an Infinite Intelligence.
Practice Makes Imperfect
As we continue our journey through a grand rising, this month we bring our focus to our beliefs about perfection. Actually, we are bringing our attention to imperfection. We all know the phrase “practice makes perfect.” But, here is the thing… it doesn’t!
Colorful to the Core
As spiritual beings we are made all-inclusive through the creativity and abundance of God. At the center of our core is every color of the rainbow. We all come equipped with a color-filled palette at the core of our being, with all colors, shades, and hues.
Higher Heights
Higher heights take us higher than where we are right now. We can’t lift our vision and expectations with a downward gaze. We must elevate our vision upward, beyond the clouds, beyond the stars, beyond the rainbow to rise to higher heights.
Unbounded and Unstoppable
If we believe in something so deeply and we decide to pursue it, we may feel a sense of freedom to accomplish it. There are no limits or barriers that can stop us. We feel like nothing is holding us back, and we are unbounded and unstoppable to express and manifest life’s creativity.
Fired Up for Life
Have you ever been on fire about something and NOTHING could convince you otherwise? Where did that fire come from? As you reflect on it now, can you feel the fire and passion welling back up? Our imagination and recall can bring it and the drive behind it back to us again.
Sacred Audacity
We can choose to live large or small. Our experience is a reflection of that choice. Today is an opportunity to make any necessary adjustments to achieve a different outcome in life.