Surrender Into Oneness

August theme — Surrender Into Oneness

Monthly Theme Summary by Rev. Rainbow Weldon: Join us this month as we explore the transformative power of "Surrendering into Oneness." Dive deep into the understanding that we are all interconnected, part of a greater whole guided by an Infinite Intelligence. Discover how releasing attachment to our ego thoughts and embracing our higher selves can open up a world of infinite possibilities. We'll learn to trust the flow of the universe and find peace in the unity of all existence. Let’s journey together into the heart of oneness, where true freedom and boundless potential await.

Week 1 — Transforming Anxiety with guest speaker Dr. Andrea Moore Watch this service on YouTube

Affirmation: I allow all things to be a catalyst for growth. 

Discover a powerful approach to overcoming anxiety and transforming your life. In this enlightening session, we’ll explore a surprising and effective method to shift your perspective on anxiety, so it no longer shrinks your life, and instead can become a catalyst for growth. Join us to reclaim your life and embrace opportunities with renewed confidence and vitality!

“Anxiety is almost always a tension between what your nervous system THINKS is a threat and what your soul KNOWS it wants to accomplish.” ~ Dr. Andrea Moore. Learn more on her website:

Week 2 — Beyond the Ego: Trusting the Flow of the Universe Watch this service on YouTube

Affirmation: I surrender to the natural flow of the Universe, knowing that I am always supported.

Discover how identifying ego-based thoughts provides the path for a Grand Rising. Learn how surrendering to the flow of the Universe can bring profound peace and fulfillment. Trust in the wisdom of the One Life, knowing that you are always supported and guided.

When developing the philosophy of the Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes studied many of the world's spiritual paths and traditions. This week Rev. Rainbow introduced us to one of these golden threads of connectedness -- the ideas of Taoism: "The #Tao is the natural way of the universe. Sometimes it's just called the Way... The Way knows the way." ~ Rev. Rainbow

Week 3 — The Power of Letting Go: Embracing Our Higher Selves Watch this service on YouTube

Affirmation: I release the need for control and trust in my inner wisdom.

Discover the profound strength in letting go. Join us as we explore the transformative journey of releasing control and trusting in our inner wisdom. Embrace the divine perfection within you and unlock your true potential. Let go, rise higher, and shine brighter!

"Flow with whatever may happen, and let your mind be free. Stay centered by accepting whatever you are doing. This is the ultimate." ~ Zhuangzi: The Complete Writings (English Edition)

Week 4 — Surrender: Giving Over not Giving Up Watch this service on YouTube

Affirmation: By surrendering to my higher self, I unleash boundless potential from within.

Join us as we explore the empowering act of surrender: not giving up, but giving over to the Infinite within. Discover the freedom and strength that come from trusting in your inner wisdom and embracing your true I AM essence.

"What if true spiritual #awakening was about releasing and shedding all that we are not? As opposed to trying to get something or achieve something. Because what that does, that state of mind of thinking that enlightenment is something that we must achieve, is it creates separation, right? Makes us think that who and where we are right now isn't already inherently perfect. But what we teach here and what Ernest Holmes reminds us in the Science of Mind philosophy is that we are inherently whole." ~ Rev. Rainbow

* Books listed are Amazon affiliate links.


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