Practice Makes Imperfect

July theme — Practice Makes Imperfect

Monthly Theme Summary from CSL, by Rev. Dan Granda: As we continue our journey through a grand rising, this month we bring our focus to our beliefs about perfection. Actually, we are bringing our attention to imperfection. We all know the phrase “practice makes perfect.” But, here is the thing… it doesn’t! When the goal of practice is perfection, what we are really doing is suffocating our experience, cutting it off from that life giving essence. However, if the goal of practice is not perfection but to recognize the beauty and possibilities available to us in imperfection, that is when we begin to create an expansive experience of life.

Week 1 — The Paradox of Perfection Watch this service on YouTube

Affirmation: I embrace the beauty of my divine imperfections.

Step into the power of embracing imperfection. Join us as we explore the beauty of growth through imperfect practices. Discover the transformative journey of embracing the process, expanding your horizons, and embracing your authentic self.

“The Spirit has already ordained that nature shall be perfect.  It would be impossible for Spirit to ordain anything else since, in order to be at all, It must be perfect in Its nature.  God is Will and Representation.  A perfect cause must produce a perfect effect.  The normal functions of life are harmonious but we interfere with these in our ignorance and thus bring discord into temporary being.”  ~ Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind p.395.1

Week 2 — Leaning Into Perfection Watch this service on YouTube

Affirmation: I embrace imperfection and discover profound possibilities.

Unlock the transformative power of embracing imperfection and shifting your perspective. Join us as we delve deeper into the beauty of imperfection and open ourselves to a world of new connections and limitless growth.

“Our teaching is that [we each] actually [have] a body; that [we] actually [have] a subjective life and that [we] actually [are] spirit.  Body, soul, and spirit represent a point where individuality is accentuated in Universality.  …we are forced to the conclusion that there is but One Mind.  Each individual, however, is a unique variation in the Universe; no two people are alike, and yet all people are rooted in that which is identical.” ~ Ernest Holmes, the Science of Mind p. 121.3

Week 3 — Imperfect Practices Watch this service on YouTube

Affirmation: I embrace imperfection, knowing it is the best part of life.

Step into the power of embracing imperfection. Join us as we explore the beauty of growth through imperfect practices. Discover the transformative journey of embracing the process, expanding your horizons, and embracing your authentic self.

“When challenges come, as they always do, make it a habit to go within at once and focus as much as you can on the inner energy field of your body. Attention is the key to transformation -- and full attention also implies acceptance. Attention is like a beam of light -- the focused power of your consciousness that transmutes everything into itself.” ~ Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now p. 98

Week 4 — Ahava’s 15th Anniversary Celebration Watch this service on YouTube

Affirmation: I celebrate Love in community.

Join us as we celebrate 15 incredible years as a vibrant community of evolutionary love! Our journey together has been guided by the profound understanding that love is always the answer. Love is the heart and soul of our community, fueling our growth and unity.

For the past 15 years, we've witnessed the power of love to birth new ideas, inspire creativity, and bring us closer together. Each person who has walked in our doors or joined us online adds a unique spark to our collective spirit. Together, we've cultivated a space where creativity, curiosity and authenticity flourish, contributing to the dynamic evolution of our shared vision.

* Books listed are Amazon affiliate links.


Surrender Into Oneness


Colorful to the Core