June theme — Holy Boldness Week 5 — Colorful to the Core

Affirmation: I am a unique expression of Spirit and a blessing to life.

As spiritual beings we are made all-inclusive through the creativity and abundance of God. At the center of our core is every color of the rainbow. We all come equipped with a color-filled palette at the core of our being, with all colors, shades, and hues. No matter if we tend towards colorful and vibrant or muted tones and shades, we all are our own version of “colorful to the core”. It takes all the colors and shapes in the spectrum to make up the infinite variety of who we all are.

“Each and every creature is a unique word of God, with its own message, its own metaphor, its own energetic style, its own way of showing forth goodness, beauty, and participation in the Great Mystery.” ~ Richard Rohr

“Yes, you are the Divine Original! And the divine intent active as you has one desire: to express expansively and creatively its uniqueness as the perfect idea it is in Infinite Mind. This is your spiritual destiny.” ~ Eric Butterworth, The Creative Life (pp. 106-107)

“God is within you and every living thing. Translated, this means that everything living is a unique representation of God's identity -- mind, spirit, and life.” ~ Iyanla Vanzant, One Day My Soul Just Opened Up (p. 26)

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