June theme — Holy Boldness Week 4 — Unbounded and Unstoppable

Affirmation: I continually ascend to higher heights in my spiritual awareness.

Higher heights take us higher than where we are right now. We can’t lift our vision and expectations with a downward gaze. We must elevate our vision upward, beyond the clouds, beyond the stars, beyond the rainbow to rise to higher heights. The infinite spectrum of Spirit applies directly to us. We have unlimited potential and abundant resources at our immediate disposal. However, we first have to remove any hidden beliefs that tell us we don’t, or can’t, or aren’t. We live in a bountiful universe of greatness that continually exposes us to higher heights if we’re open to it.

“We are surrounded by, and immersed in, an Infinite Good. How much of this Infinite Good is ours? All of it!” ~ Ernest Holmes, Science of Mind (p. 50) 

“We are surrounded by an intelligent force and substance, from which all things come. It is around us in its original state, ready and willing to take form through the impulse of our creative belief.” ~ Ernest Holmes, The Essential Ernest Holmes (p. 70)

“It is right that we should be successful, for otherwise Spirit is not expressed. The Divine cannot lack for anything, and we should not lack for anything that makes life worthwhile here on earth.” ~ Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind (p. 262)

AHA moments:

  • Plants naturally grow and turn toward the light. How are we growing toward the Light?

  • Heart consciousness is one of love, transcending the victim state and moving to a more #empowered heart-based, unitive consciousness.

  • Our bodies can be a guide as to when something or someone isn’t an energetic match.

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Colorful to the Core


Unbounded and Unstoppable